Connecting the Dots: Mind, Body, and Fitness
Connecting the Dots: Mind, Body, and Fitness
This book is for the sole purpose of showing you that training is not so much about the how-tos of an exercise but much more about the why we have certain beliefs and, oftentimes, bodies to match those beliefs. Although this book talks in detail about the sport of bodybuilding and the training that goes along with it, there are parallels throughout that fit the everyday person who desires to make changes in his or her body. So take the challenge and go deep into the studies of the theories in this book and then take a look at how your thoughts and beliefs have a very strong connection to your exercise/training/workouts. Whether you are male or female, an athlete, bodybuilder, powerlifter, runner, aerobics junky, instructor, or just the average person who wants to make a lifestyle change, this book is for you!
Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.